Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A New Year's Declaration

I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions. I figure if there is something I need or want to change then I'll just go ahead and do it. I don't need a new year to start something new. What I do like to do is a New Year's Declaration or Theme, if you will. I think about the opportunities that might present themselves to us in the year to come and declare it. For example; in 2012 I declared it "The Year of Travel". We had several opportunities to travel both separately and as a family to different conferences for each chronic illness and even vacationed for the first time as a family of 5 which included a straight drive from Ohio to Florida and one big suitcase full of diabetes and hemophilia supplies (never mind that we haven't taken a vacation since)!

For 2017 we have declared it "The Year of Prayer". We will have significant changes this year. Joe will be losing his job at a company he has worked nearly 20 years at this coming Spring. Our eldest will be marrying her High School sweetheart this fall and beginning a new chapter in her life while we both learn how to transition from little girl to a married grown up daughter. Our middle daughter will be driving, exerting her independence and trying to learn responsibility even more as she manages her diabetes while driving, gasp...a stick shift!! My non-profit job is never guaranteed as I see budget cuts, more demands on procuring funds and hiring freezes...it's an uncertain time. And who knows what curves our chronic illnesses will throw our way. While some of these things can and will be scary (for the record: we are SUPER EXCITED about the wedding!! We love or future son-in-law!) I am excited to see what journey these changes will bring. All of the above is beyond our control. We know whats happening and we can't change it but what we can do is pray.

We can pray for peace and guidance.

We can worry less.

Don't misunderstand...We are not a do nothing and hope for the best type of family. We are active prayers. This means that we will be actively searching for opportunities. Our eyes and ears will be open for ALL possibilities.  We will pound pavement. We will use our connections. We will pray.

We are friends will all walks of life. Believers and non believers. But no matter if you are the praying type or the send good vibes type we will gladly accept any prayers or positive thoughts you are willing to share.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

What I love to do...

One of the things I have always loved to do is write. Even when I was younger I would keep journals. I was a writer for our community paper in junior high and would share album reviews in the paper at college. As life moves along and I became busy with marriage, kids and chronic illness I didn't even think about writing. But as I found myself at home dealing with a newborn in 2008 with a bleeding disorder I found some solace in reading others blogs. 

I found my voice. 

I began writing for the Blue Heel Society and sharing my perspective and thoughts about diabetes (collectively with 3 fabulous people in the diabetes community). I was also able to share my story when our eldest was diagnosed. I then began writing for Captain Jackson's Hemophilia Adventures and sharing my perspective and thoughts about bleeding disorders. I found great stress relief in pounding on my keyboard. My mind was full of random thoughts and feelings that needed to get out and writing helped me do that. I also wanted to make sure that others in both communities never felt alone. But, life happens. The kids got older. I started working day shifts. I just didn't have time to write. 

I missed it. 

Mindlessly scrolling through Facebook the other day I saw a calendar that Jerry Seinfeld used to help motivate him to write daily. I LOVED it. I thought it would be a great challenge for me. Kinda the "put it on the calendar like an appointment and you're more apt to do it" philosophy. So in the final hours of 1-1-17 I'm submitting my first blog entry of the year. Here's to a successful writing year!